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Creative Printers of London (CPL) telah berdiri sejak 1986 di wilayah London sebagai bisnis berbasis keluarga.

Tiga puluh satu tahun kemudian, CPL masih ada, lebih ramping dan lebih bugar untuk melayani pelanggan mereka di seluruh dunia.  Rangkaian produk yang baik, harga yang kompetitif, dukungan purna jual yang sangat baik, dan tentu saja staf yang berdedikasi dan pekerja keras memiliki_cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ membantu CPL untuk maju ke level tersebut.

Tanpa pelanggan kami, kami tidak akan memiliki bisnis yang berkembang seperti sekarang ini. Kami di sini untuk membantu Anda - kami adalah tim yang ramah yang memperlakukan setiap pertanyaan dengan urgensi yang sama.

Kami harap Anda menikmati berbelanja dengan kami dan kami selalu menerima umpan balik agar kami dapat terus menyempurnakan diri dan terus melayani pelanggan kami untuk 31 tahun ke depan dan seterusnya.

Jeff Sharma

Jeff Sharma is a Economics Graduate and CEO of Creative Printers of London.  Jeff started the company off in 1986 on a shoestring budget and 32 years later, the company has gone from strength to strength and now exports worldwide too.

Managing Director / CEO

Eddie Thorby

Eddie has been with the company for over 10 years and he has gained a lot of experience and can confidently talk to you about any of our product range. Eddie's honesty, politeness and willingness to go that extra mile has made him a real asset for CPL. Customers love Eddie.

Office Manager & Customer Support

Paige Harvery

Paige is a relatively new employee with CPL and is in charge of the warehouse and shipping duties. Paige is a bubbly and intelligent person who has over seven years supervisory experience  with a national chain of supermarkets.  Paige has picked up things really fast and is always eager to help customers. Paige has also become a valuable asset to the company.

Warehouse & Despatch

Sandy Sharma

Sandy Sharma is an ex-secondary school teacher with a Bachelor of Education Honours Degree. Sandy is a co-director and is in charge of finance and administration.

Finance Manager

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